TB - Tall Bearded: over 27.5 inches tall, mid to late spring bloom
BB - Border Bearded: 16 to 27.5 inches tall, smaller versions of the TB, bloom with the TBs in mid to late spring
MTB - Miniature Tall Bearded: 16 to 27.5 inches tall, smaller flowers and slim stems, mid to late spring bloom with the TBs
IB - Intermediate Bearded: 16 to 27.5 inches tall, early to mid spring bloom, overlapping the SDBs and the TBs
SDB - Standard Dwarf Bearded: 8 to 16 inches tall, early spring bloom
MDB - Miniature Dwarf Bearded: up to 8 inches tall, the first of the bearded irises to bloom in very early spring